Monday, February 1, 2010

Magical Pot Roast

Hands down, no one can cook like my mother-in-law, seriously. I have never met someone else with the ability to cook anything the way she does. She is full-blood Italian, grew up making everything from scratch, and applies that to the kitchen here in the U.S. It's just ridiculous. She will improvise anything, whatever she has around, and it will be the most simple dish comprised of just a few vegetables, some pasta, possibly some meat, but it will be the most delicious food you've ever eaten.

Last time my wife and I stayed at her house it was over Christmas vacation. She made a pot roast. I have never eaten beef that tasted that good... I thought my first filet mignon at Café Paris the night of my senior prom was a spiritual experience in itself, but now having tasted this pot roast, wow what an eye-opener. How can beef be so soft and juicy and just fall apart in your mouth? How can something taste so good that it completely eclipses opinion of any other food? There's only one answer for these questions... magic... it can only be magic.

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