Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Supporting Cast in the Me Show

This blog could easily be dedicated to countless people... My mother who birthed and raised me, my father who provided seed and raised me as well, my brother and sister who were great friends throughout my life (and also great enemies at times). My best friend Paul who I've known since I was 5 years old and who fixed my car for a good 6 years usually for free until I moved away to Montgomery (from Huntsville).

Thanks to Moses for giving good advice, as well as Jesus for also giving good advice, and Buddha, and Lao-tse, and Mark Pritchard the Gnostic author. Tetsuya Nomura who wrote the video game Kingdom Hearts and all its sequels, it holds very good lessons about simplicity, friendship, and love, and their ability to transcend and overcome any forces that might work against them both internally and externally.

And most importantly my wife who has supported me through the many stages of my learning and growing up, no matter how crazy things got sometimes she has stayed true through it all. She is a champ, works hard, does my laundry (yeah, I tried at first when we moved in together but never did it satisfactorily to her ;) She is the anchor of truth and love and purpose in my world.

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