Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Are People Stupid?

Are people stupid? There are unfortunately a great number of people who think so. Why do they think so?

People do stupid things. People say stupid things. People think stupid things. But people are not stupid. It's just the downside of the unity concept. Unfortunately sometimes when people gather, their faults can combine and multiply. Each new generation then becomes enslaved in the conditioning of the previous one.

If you take the average person and put them in the proper environment, they will flourish. It's a shame that we just think this or that person is just incapable of real intelligence. Especially here in the school environment, I can see so much potential. Yeah, most people won't be able to immediately have a practical discussion (free from repitition of religious conditioning, on what life is all about). That's not to say that religious ideas don't hold some semblance of truth, but it's to say that truth is not something that can be repeated from the intellect, no more so than the "intelligence" of a computer pulling up passages from a religious text to answer any input question. I think that human intelligence is so much more fluid than that, so much more capable than that, that it can flow in everyday life to understand our human experience, our purpose here, without relying on other people's ideas.

But people have so much to offer, and there is so much intelligence expressed in many ways. When we are thinking other people are stupid, it's usually us who are the stupid ones. I don't think that it's about being blindly optimistic about everything, just realistic in that everything exists for a reason. People behave the way they do for a reason.

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